TNF QCTv.1 is a quality control system designed to meet specific requirements, and it offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and ensuring the quality of products, particularly in the context of firearm production. Here’s an explanation of the key features and functions of TNF QCTv.1:

Individual User Authentication: TNF QCTv.1 provides individualized access for each customer with a unique username and password. This ensures secure and controlled access to the system, allowing only authorized personnel to use it.
Real-Time Product Tracking: After a customer places an order, the system allows for real-time tracking of each product from the production phase through to packaging. This includes associating each product with its unique serial number.
Detailed Quality Control Checks: The system facilitates a series of detailed quality control checks for each product. This includes verifying serial numbers, inspecting product specifications, measuring barrel and chamber dimensions, testing trigger pressures, and conducting drop test etc. All these checks are documented with photographs for thorough record-keeping.

Compliance with CIP Standards: TNF QCTv.1 ensures compliance with the CIP standards followed in European countries. This involves using gauges and measurements to verify that products meet the specified requirements.


Supplier Assurance: One of the primary objectives of TNF QCTv.1 is to instill confidence in customers that every product from the supplier is of the same high and consistent quality. This system helps maintain uniformity in product standards.


Lifetime Warranty Support: The reason behind offering a lifetime warranty is to minimize the defect rate of products using the software. By maintaining high-quality standards through TNF QCTv.1, the company aims to reduce the number of defective products and hence the need for warranty claims.


Free Software for Initial Deliveries: TNF QCTv.1 is provided to customers for free with their initial deliveries. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to quality assurance and transparency in its operations.


Centralized Marketing Support: The system also serves as a platform for centralizing marketing support activities. This allows the company to upload and manage all relevant files related to post-sales marketing support.