Born in Canada,
Perfected Worldwide.

At Rev Arms, our heritage is rooted in the heart of Canada, where pristine landscapes and rich hunting traditions converge. For years, we have been honored to serve Turkey, building a bond of trust through the quality and excellence of our products. Now, we are thrilled to share our legacy with the world as we take our next groundbreaking steps.

From the valleys of Canada to the horizons of Turkey, Rev Arms has been a companion to avid hunters across borders. With a relentless commitment to quality and a deep understanding of hunters’ needs, we have nurtured a reputation that stands strong in the ever-evolving world of firearms.

To elevate your experience, we’ve established a shotgun quality control center in Turkey. Every product that bears the Rev Arms name undergoes rigorous scrutiny, ensuring unparalleled performance, reliability, and safety. This dedication to excellence has inspired us to join hands with TNF Texas in the USA, where our products will now be available under the same trusted brand, offering you uncompromising quality across North America.

At Rev Arms, we understand the sacred bond between a hunter and their firearm. That’s why we are proud to introduce a captivating range of Av and Hunting models. Crafted with precision and engineered for superior performance, our firearms pay homage to the timeless art of hunting while embracing the advancements of modern technology.